University Of Madras Email Id

University of Madras - UOM - Chennai, Tamil Nadu


University of Madras is a Teaching-cum-Affiliating University which is over 150 years old. The Public Petition dated 11-11-1839 initiated the establishment of Madras University. It was in January 1840 with Mr. George Norton as its President, that the University Board was constituted. In 1854 after a lapse of 14 years, the Government of India formulated a systematic educational policy for India and as a sequel to this on 5th September 1857 by an act of Legislative Council of India the University was established. It was organised on the model of London University. The University motto is ‘Doctrina Vim Promovet Insitam’ meaning ‘learning promotes (one’s) innate talent’. It has 18 Schools and 69 departments of post-graduate teaching and research and 104 Affiliated Colleges and Approved Institutions (OT) – 3, Approved Institutions (Diploma/Certificate Courses) – 3, Stand alone Institutions M.B.A. / M.C.A. – 17 and 52 approved Research Institutions as of 2011.